July 2022 - The Wildlife Trusts

The Wildlife Trusts are a grassroots movement of people from a wide range of backgrounds and all walks of life, who believe that we need nature and nature needs us. With more than 870,000 members, over 35,000 volunteers, 2,000 staff and 600 trustees. There are 46 individual Wildlife Trusts, each of which is a place-based independent charity with its own legal identity, formed by groups of people getting together and working with others to make a positive difference to wildlife and future generations, starting where they live and work.

From bringing wildlife back, to empowering people to take meaningful action for nature, and to create an inclusive society where nature matters. 

Their vision is of a thriving natural world, with our wildlife and natural habitats playing a valued role in addressing the climate and ecological emergencies, and everyone inspired to get involved in nature’s recovery.

Working closely with schools, colleges and universities, with hundreds of farmers and landowners, fishermen and divers; with thousands of companies, big and small; with community groups and other environmental organisations; with lotteries, charitable trusts and foundations; with politicians from across the political spectrum; with local and national governments and more. Together, The Wildlife Trusts are tackling the climate and nature crisis - starting with the ambition of 30% of the UK's land and seas connected and protected for nature by 2030. Strategy 2030 sets out the impact that is hoped to have by working together collectively in the crucial decade ahead.

To raise money throughout July for The Wildlife Trusts our Pizza and Cocktail additions are -

Pizza - Hoogah Pesto basing our classic Little Valley Bakery Sourdough Pizza with Lemon and Butter Roasted Courgettes with Burrata Cheese.

Cocktail - Lemon Cheesecake, a mix of Limoncello, Gin, plant based Cream and Vanilla

All profits from these Charity Specials will be donated to The Wildlife Trusts.

Visit their website for more details.

Bea Young

Bea has been with us at Hoogah since 2019, bringing her flare for photography and sharing stories along the journey. A lover of travel and experiencing different cultures, you’ll see her tapping away on her laptop, if she’s not behind the coffee machine or cooking up a storm in the kitchen.


August 2022 - Dementia Friendly Swansea


June 2022 - National Autistic Society